Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What the??

It can't be!!! it's not fair!! last time I checked my calender, it wasn't even November yet, and we've already had snow, and the last few days have been COLD... WHY??
We got ripped off with the summer (or lack there of) this year..I can't remember any part of this year where I actually felt like it was a great hot day out.. and now this!!!

Now that I got that off my chest.. I'm back :oD Thanks for visiting my blog again and putting up with my ranting... much appreciated ;-)

The last time I was here I mentioned our upcoming election at the time... Well it passed, with pretty much the same results as before the election, a minority goverment was re-elected... so basically all they did was wasted time, and about 130-230 (depending on who's numbers you look at) million dollars of the tax payers money tossed down the drain for no real change.... THANK YOU VERY MUCH GUYS!!!

Someone should explain to me how the whole economic thing works, I really do want to know, how is it that when the American dollar goes down, our (the Canadian) dollar nosedives too? shouldn't the weaker American dollar translate to into a slightly better dollar, and good prices on this side of the border? Does anyone want to leave a message and tell me how it all works? (will be my "learned thing of the day" when you do)

I can't wait for the new Fable 2 game to come out (yes i'm 29 and play video I LOVED the first one, (and I MEAN loved) and from what i've been reading about this one.. WOOOHOOOOO doesn't look like its going to disappoint!

In case you're wondering, I'm writing this during a downtime at work, haven't had a customer all day today.. CRIPES!!! Yesterday was good, and a couple days last week were great, but most of the time, its so dead in here, that it gets borderline lonely lol

Whats with this stupid idea of another NHL club in Toronto, or expanding to Europe... Who's smoking what when these ideas are tossed out???

The NHL needs to put teams back in Quebec (bring back the Nordiques!!!),Winnipeg Minnesota, and maybe even back in Hartford.
I really don't think Hamilton would work out as an NHL club, nor do I think the NHL can actually work long term in KC, Houston or Las Vegas (well, they got the minor league team The Thunder, so there are SOME fans..but still...). The suits in the meeting need to stop thinking about the European expansion NOW, it wouldn't work!!! can you think of the jetlag from a weird road trip that see's you in Montreal, then in Luxembourg, then to New York? BRUTAL on the players bodies.....

Should be a few topics here to think about, for my next few posts, i'm going to get a little topic specific (just for a little while, doubt it'll last) and talk about a few different things, I welcome your comments to my rantings and blabbering.

Back soon...Real soon!


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