Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Twitter Porn Names Scam

Be very careful playing social networking games like the Twitter Porn Name game Social networking site Twitter's current top trending topic (things that are twittered the most by user members) has a security hole. The hole is no technical snafu, rather it traces back to human error or sneaking social engineering.

The "twitter porn names" game is a fun distraction that gives you and your friends something to tweet about. However it is actually nothing more then a disguise to get users to publicly post answers to your own online security questions. With that information Web scoundrels can hack into your personal online accounts.

The current game has a few variations but the information it illicit is all the same. To find your "porn name" you are asked to take the name of your first pet, combine it with the street you grew up on or your mother's maiden name. Yep, all of these are common security questions to access your online accounts and bank information.

Be wary of this and other combinations of the game that might entice you to reveal potential answers to your security questions. Be sure to pass along the information to your friends if they have been unwittingly providing answers to their security questions.

If you have publicly revealed answers to your online security questions delete the post, change your passwords, and updating your security questions.

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