Film ratings needed for websites: British minister
Britain's culture minister says that websites should be rated in the same way that films are, to protect children from offensive material.
Andy Burnham says his government has plans to discuss the idea of international rules for English-language websites with the administration of U.S. President-elect Barack Obama.
"We have got a real opportunity to make common cause [and] this is an area that is really now coming into full focus," Burnham told Britain's Daily Telegraph newspaper in an article published Saturday.
The minister, who called the internet a "dangerous place," said age-appropriate ratings may be the way to go.
He would also like to see internet-service providers (ISPs) offer parents "child-safe" web services where the only websites accessible are those stamped suitable for children.
Burnham also suggested the internet follow television's example, which often doesn't broadcast violent or sexually charged material prior to 9 p.m. There should also be a set time in which sites such as YouTube or Facebook would have to remove offensive or harmful content, he said.
Burnham has denied that he's attacking free speech.
"The internet has been empowering and democratizing in many ways but we haven't yet got the stakes in the ground to help people navigate their way safely around," Burnham said.
"There is a wider public interest at stake when it involves harm to other people. We have got to get better at defining where the public interest lies and being clear about it."
I really don't see how Mr. Burnham propose we do this? Almost all ideas seem great on paper, but when it comes to practically don't it, it just isn't possibly or do-able (think back to before the Wright brothers finally invented the plane, before that we had people strapping boards to there arms, take a running start, flapping there arms and jumping off cliffs...sure on paper that might sound like a good idea, I mean, the boards are like wings, and if birds, who have wings, can fly like that, why can't people?) How does Mr. Burnham propose we "shut off" internet website content prior to say 9pm so that children and minors are protected from things like that? I'm sure Mr. Burnham must have some sort of idea written out on how he thinks it can be done, I don't think he'd just propose it without a plan? or could he?..hmmm...
Isn't there already something in place for parents to protect there children (I may be wrong, correct me if I am) for offensive, inappropriate content and websites they do not approve of?
Off the top of my head I can name:
- CyberSitter
- NetNanny
- SafeEyes
- Cyber Patrol
And I do know that there are several other quality programs for parents, With these programs already in existance, do we really need to go with rating systems?
What do you guys think about this?
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