You might have read the reports online recently that a high percentage of women prefer surfing the net to sex, and you may not agree with the findings. but other results from the same Intel-commissioned study is probably easier to, um, swallow.
Last week, Intel Canada released findings from a recent U.S.-based Harris Interactive survey on the theme "Internet reliance in today's economy."
Interestingly, 71 percent of those surveyed said it is either "important" or "very important" to have access to Internet-enabled devices -- such as laptops, notebooks and other mobile tools -- for real-time updates on important news, such as the state of the economy.
Roughly 65 percent of adults said they felt they "couldn't live" without Internet access.
So, what about you?
Me personally, I would sooner give up my TV, radio, magazines, books and newspapers than the Internet. It is, without question, my news medium of choice and ranks pretty high when it comes to entertainment (just trailing behind video games). What about you, do you think you could you go a year without Internet access?
Interestingly, 71 percent of those surveyed said it is either "important" or "very important" to have access to Internet-enabled devices -- such as laptops, notebooks and other mobile tools -- for real-time updates on important news, such as the state of the economy.
Roughly 65 percent of adults said they felt they "couldn't live" without Internet access.
So, what about you?
Me personally, I would sooner give up my TV, radio, magazines, books and newspapers than the Internet. It is, without question, my news medium of choice and ranks pretty high when it comes to entertainment (just trailing behind video games). What about you, do you think you could you go a year without Internet access?
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