Thursday, December 4, 2008

Find old friends on Facebook

Facebook is a great way to meet up with friends you haven't spoken to in years. Reunite with your old home town friends online or take your old group offline for a reunion. Either way, you can talk about the old days together. - Find friends on facebook
Get started by opening up a Facebook account online. Facebook requires your email address so they can confirm your identity and start you off with a new account. Either use your own name so your old friends can find you or choose an alias ID if you are skeptical about being online.

Next, Fill in your profile as best as you can with some details about yourself. You will want your old friends to be able to find you easily and by putting down details about you, they will! Write down some of your old and present hobbies, old schools, jobs etc. Facebook gives the user the opportunity to search for old friends by keywords.

Uploads some photos of yourself so people can recognize you. You do not have to include photos of yourself or your face, but it is helpful if you want old friends to identify you. Include photos of your travels, favorite places, or of anything you like as long as they remain within the Facebook guidelines.

Write a thorough description about yourself and tell your old friends what you have been up to over the years. Let old friends see your hometown, your present location and what you are doing now. Be personable and friendly with your description. A friendly approach to the Facebook online community is the way to start and rekindle some good friendships.

Finally, Perform a search for old friends by putting in keywords to the search. Put in your old high school, sports teams, clubs or your university class. Put in your home town if you are looking for old friends that were raised in the same town. You can search for any old friend you wish.

Facebook has really helped people in reconnecting with there past. It's been a GREAT help! people that haven't seen each other in years, sometimes decades have found each other on Facebook.

I personally have benefited from Facebook's huge membership base, having searched for a an old friend from my junior high for over 14 years, back when I was younger, the internet wasn't really around, the early years of my search was pretty much searching through phone books, along with hoping to meet a mutual friend somewhere, anywhere (the subway, the street..anywhere) so I could ask them if they knew of her whereabouts.
As the internet grew in popularity, (it didn't really take off until I was around 23-24) not having had any luck with my old phone book search, and not having really met anyone with any good information they could give me, I then used Yahoo, then Altavista, then Google, entering her name into searches multiple times over the years in the hopes that i'd be able to locate her, nothing really ever came up.

Then finally, along came Facebook, and although it didn't hit me right away to search for her on there, I finally got it (hey, I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer..but things eventually do come to me!) I entered her name into the search hit search...waited for my slow wireless connection (that never seems to want to work properly right when I want it to) to load the results page.. Sucess!! it found one...but was it her? I mean, several people can have the same name right? it looked like her, but its also been 14 years (aged a heck of a lot better then I did!!!) I sent a message...and waited... and waited...and waited.... a good 2 and a half weeks went by before I got a reply (women really do love to make guys wait, don't they?) the email confirmed that it was in fact her, and my search was over (finally).

Thankfully, she remembered who I was... we got re-acquainted somewhat over the next little while, I was in the best of moods that I had been in, in several years.

We met up for a coffee, I have to tell you, my heart was beating 1000x a minute when I first heard her voice and saw her again...
She was now a mother of 2 adorably beautiful little girls (they took after there mother for sure).... and was engaged to be married.

We would continue talking for a few weeks more before she and her husband to be decided that it was best that she and I no longer continue our friendship.

Maybe not the ending I was forseeing all those years I searched for her, but I was glad that I had at least found her again and my search had come to an end after all that time and I was happy to see that she found happiness, I wouldn't have to wonder what happened to her and if she was happy any longer.

To close off this posting, You know who you are, I don't know if you'll ever read this... But I want you to know that even though we no longer converse, I still do think of you.. Congratulations on the wedding.

Until next time....


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