I was surfing around, and I came across this little youtube video, check this out!!
Hypocrisy in Texas? In the State Legislature? whoddathought?
We've all heard "One man, One vote, let your voice be heard" right? well take a look at this!
The senators are all literally falling over each other in trying to get in as many votes as they can!! They'd vote once for themselves, and then move and run around and vote using the push button panels of the legislators that are not present.. all in full view of everyone else, NO ONE else seems to mind that they're doing this!!
Watch the video closely. One guy actually had his vote stolen away by the guy sitting in front of him. I doubt he'd give the other guy the power to vote while he was actually there. The other ones seem to just randomly walk to empty desks, and more than one person tries to vote on them.
How is THIS not voter fraud? this video is a little old as well, sometime in 2007, why hasn't there been more of an uproar over what's happening? if it happened there, where else could it also have happened/be happening?
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