Bookmark this page or print them out if you like for future reference (because, as we all know, we can never find what we're looking for when we actually want them!!)
ONE: Surprisingly Handy Keyboard Shortcuts
Google Chrome offers some unique shortcuts that go beyond the typical CTRL + T for opening new browser tabs. Here is a list to all of Google Chrome keyboard shortcuts.
Ctrl+N | Open a new window |
Ctrl+T | Open a new tab |
Ctrl+Shift+N | Open a new window in incognito mode |
Ctrl+O, then select file | Open a file from your computer in Google Chrome |
Press Ctrl, and click a link | Open link in a new tab |
Press Shift, and click a link | Open link in a new window |
Alt+F4 | Close current window |
Ctrl+Shift+T | Reopen the last tab you've closed. Google Chrome remembers the last 10 tabs you've closed. |
Drag link to tab | Open link in specified tab |
Drag link to space between tabs | Open link in a new tab in the specified position on the tab strip |
Ctrl+1 through Ctrl+8 | Switch to the tab at the specified position number. The number you press represents the position of the tab on the tab strip. |
Ctrl+9 | Switch to the last tab |
Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+PgDown | Switch to the next tab |
Ctrl+Shift+Tab or Ctrl+PgUp | Switch to the previous tab |
Ctrl+W or Ctrl+F4 | Close current tab or pop-up |
Alt+Home | Open your homepage |
Address bar shortcuts
Do one of the following actions in the address bar:Type a search term | Perform a search using your default search engine |
Type the part of the web address that's between 'www.' and '.com', then press Ctrl+Enter | Add www.and .com to your input in the address bar and open the web address |
Type a search engine keyword or URL, press Tab, then type a search term | Perform a search using the search engine associated with the keyword or the URL. Google Chrome prompts you to press Tab if it recognizes the search engine you're trying to use. |
F6 or Ctrl+L or Alt+D | Highlight content in the web address area |
Type a web address, then press Alt+Enter | Open your web address in a new tab |
Shortcuts to open Google Chrome features
Ctrl+B | Toggle bookmarks bar on and off |
Ctrl+H | View the History page |
Ctrl+J | View the Downloads page |
Shift+Escape | View the Task manager |
Shift+Alt+T | Set focus on the toolbar. Use right and left arrows on the keyboard to navigate to different buttons on the toolbar. |
Webpage shortcuts
Ctrl+P | Print your current page |
Ctrl+S | Save your current page |
F5 | Reload current page |
Esc | Stop page loading |
Ctrl+F5 or Shift+F5 | Reload current page, ignoring cached content |
Press Alt, and click a link | Download link |
Ctrl+F | Open find-in-page box |
Ctrl+G or F3 | Find next match for your input in the find-in-page box |
Ctrl+Shift+G or Shift+F3 | Find previous match for your input in the find-in-page box |
Ctrl+U | View source |
Drag link to bookmarks bar | Bookmark the link |
Ctrl+D | Bookmark your current webpage |
Ctrl++ | Make text larger |
Ctrl+- | Make text smaller |
Ctrl+0 | Return to normal text size |
Text shortcuts
Highlight content, then press Ctrl+C | Copy content to the clipboard |
Place your cursor in a text field, then press Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert | Paste current content from the clipboard |
Place your cursor in a text field, then press Ctrl+Shift+V | Paste current content from the clipboard without formatting |
Highlight content in a text field, then press Ctrl+X or Shift+Delete | Delete the content and copy it to the clipboard |
Backspace, or press Alt and the left arrow together | Go to the previous page in your browsing history for the tab |
Shift+Backspace, or press Alt and the right arrow together | Go to the next page in your browsing history for the tab |
Ctrl+K or Ctrl+E | Places a '?' in the address bar. Type a search term after the '?' to perform a search using your default search engine. |
Place your cursor in the address bar, then press Ctrl and the left arrow together | Jump to the previous word in the address bar |
Place your cursor in the address bar, then press Ctrl and the right arrow together | Jump to the next word in the address bar |
Place your cursor in the address bar, then press Ctrl+Backspace | Delete the previous word in the address bar |
Space bar | Scroll down the web page |
Home | Go to the top of the page |
End | Go to the bottom of the page |
Here three that I find unique, when compared to those offered by Firefox and IE.
CTRL + SHIFT + N automatically opens up a Chrome 'incognito' window which allows you to surf on a PC without leaving behind any digital footprints.
SHIFT + Escape allows for fast access to Chrome?s Task Manager utility that allows you to nix browser processes that have gone awry.
CTRL + SHIFT + T will open recently closed browser tabs.
TWO: Custom Searches
When you want to run a search directly from Google's address bar (a.k.a. Omnibox) just type a question mark (?) followed by a keyword. The default search engine is Google. To change the default search engine to anything you want go right-click inside the address bar and select "Edit search engines." You can choose from a predefined list, or create your own.
Here is how to create your own shortcut to search the site of your choice directly from Google Chrome's Omnibox.
1) Right-click inside address bar and select "Edit search engines."
2) With that dialogue box remaining open, now go to a website you would like to create a custom search for. For the sake of example try
3) Once you visit the site now look at your "Search Engines" configuration window and you'll notice under the "Other search engines" field has been added.
4) Next you'll want to change the "Keyword" to something short and easy to remember such as DIC.
Now when you want to look up a word at all you have to do is type in Chrome's Omnibox "ASK" proceeded by the word you want to look up.
THREE: Enable Firefox to Run More Like Chrome
This tip and tweak isn't absolutely Chrome-centric, rather Chrome related. For those who like the innovative new features Chrome offers, but aren't happy with some of the bugs, security, and privacy issues you can have your cake and eat it too.
LifeHacker offers a list of ways to configure Firefox to embody some of Chromes coolest new features. For example LifeHacker offers ways to surf with Firefox incognito-style, highlight domains in your address bar, and convert Websites into applications.
FOUR: Larger Comment Boxes
Comment boxes on Web sites soliciting feedback can sometimes be way too small. With Chrome you simply click on the corner of any Web-based comment field and stretch it out as large as you like.
FIVE: Help me Home, Please
Google Chrome's minimalist approach to design that leaves the interface clutter-free can be appreciated. But without a Home button Chrome feels a bit like a house with no front door. To regain the Home button on your browser simply go to the little wrench icon, select the Google Chrome Options, click on the Basics tab, and check the "Show Home button on the Toolbar" box.
SIX: Fun With Tabs
Browser tabs are an incredibly useful feature in browsers today. Google has spent some time and made them even more useful by allowing more tab flexibility than is currently possible with IE or Firefox. Chrome allows you to peel browser tabs off a browser so they can become their own browser window. Chrome also allows you to take two separate Chrome browsers and drag them together creating one window with two tabs.
SEVEN: A Little More Privacy Please
As privacy issues continue to swirl around Google new concerns have been raised regarding Google's Chrome browser. According to reports, Google's auto-suggest (featured in the Chrome browser Omnibar) allows Google to know everything you type into it ? even if you don't hit enter. Ina Fried from CNET suggests you disable the feature.
To disable the auto-suggest feature right-click inside the Omnibar and un-check the "Use a suggestion service to help complete searches."
EIGHT: Go Incognito on the Fly
Not sure what awaits you when you contemplate clicking on that link? If you want to make sure your Web tracks are covered just right-click the link and select "Open link in incognito window."
NINE: No Google Toolbar for Google Chrome, No Problemo
Former PC World Editor in Chief, Harry McCracken, has been bemoaning the ironic fact Google Chrome doesn't support the handy Google Toolbar on his Technologizer Web site. The Google Toolbar, available for IE and Firefox, bring much versatility to the browser including a shortcut to Gmail, access to online Google Bookmarks, a spell checker, and the ability to send URL links via e-mail in just a few clicks.
Mr. McCracken explains he has found a way to create an approximation to the Google Toolbar by tweaking Google Chrome with a technique he calls "Project Fakebar." For those with idle time, head on over to the Technologizer site and find out how to put a Fakebar on your Chrome Browser.
TEN: Everyone Loves an Easter Egg
Type "about:internets" (without the quotes of-course) into the address bar and you'll see a tribute to United States Senator Ted Stevens' take on the Internet. (This apparently only works in Windows XP)
MORE About: page Easter eggs
You may already know about Google Chrome's humorous about:internets Easter egg, but here is a list of Chrome's several special "about: pages" that reveal all sorts of interesting information about what's going on behind the scenes. Here's the full list:
* about:memory
* about:stats
* about:network
* about:internets
* about:histograms
* about:dns
* about:cache
* about:crash
* about:plugins
* about:version
you can also go to two special pages on a per-site basis. view-cache:[URL] shows you some under-the-hood cache details, and view-source:[URL] shows you the page's markup. (Though you can view source by just right-clicking on a page and choosing, well... "View page source.")
I hope you found these tips,tweaks and tricks useful... leave me your feedback, as always, by using the link below, you can be paid for them (brings meaning to the term "penny for your thoughts" right?)
Until next time........
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