Friday, January 9, 2009

Loser arrested

Sometimes news stories just write themselves.

Shanon Thomas, Shown here on the right with her mother Helen, a contestant on this season of The Biggest Loser, has been arrested for allegedly assaulting one of her tenants with a bag of flour, reports The New York Post.
This proves the theory that going on a diet, especially one on a weight-loss reality show, can really make a person cranky!

Apparently Shanon, 30, hollered at a man who was renting space in her Detroit house to turn the volume on his TV down. She allegedly "kicked open the door" to his basement apartment, threw flour in his eyes and broke Christmas lights. The man has moved out since the confrontation (well I wouldn't stay after that either, would you???).

Though the attack happened on Dec. 16 2008, police arrested Ms. Thomas with charges of domestic violence on Tuesday (The day the new season of The Biggest Loser debuted, coincidence?). She was arraigned and released on $2,000 bond shortly thereafter.

If convicted, the Pink Team member could face more than three months in jail.


Anonymous said...

It goes to a cookie and you'll be happy. who busts a door open to turn a TV down? Biggest loser applies to more than just their weight loss.

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