Sunday, May 24, 2009

Man punches blind woman on the bus

It's been a year since a blind woman was attacked on city bus in Seattle, Washington, and now the good samaritans that came to her rescued were honored for their actions.

It happened may of last year, just before 11 in the morning. It was an average day on metro bus number 3684 on route 18 that all changed near the corner of 15th Avenue West and West Armor Street when a man got on the bus.

He looks like a normal guy, until he paid his fare. Then, out of nowhere, he punches the victim Jeannie Square in the face.

Witness said the man shouted "The sick must die" and let punches fly at a defenseless woman.

"His initial attack was just, I mean she didn't know what hit her and she was just, she got hit pretty good." Charles Capizano was sitting in the rear of the bus. He saw what happened and wasted no time to get to the front of the bus and stop the attack.

"This guy was attacking everyone in his sight. Threatening everyone in his sight saying "The sick must die. God told me the sick must die."

Capizano eventually had to gabbed the man and hold him back. "This guy is telling me to get off of him, get off of him and I'm holding him. I got a leg wrapped underneath him and the other guy next to me is helping hold him and I believe that's when we're praying for him and we're just waiting and holding. I'm not letting go for nothing that guy was strong."

"He hit her with a full force fist to the side of her head that snapped her sunglasses. Flew off her head." Denise Gubernick was also on the bus and is counted among the heroes.

While the men restrained the bad guy, Denise hugged, covered and protected. "I'm a mother and my instinct is to protect and I just jumped forward to hold her."

There were six heroes in all that day. Sheriff Sue Rahr awarded them all for meritorious service to the community. "He walks on the bus and walks up to Jeannie and just punches her in the face. And as I watched this I said 'Oh my God!' That was my reaction. It was so startling what this guy did."

Jeannie said this to her heroes, "It really restores my faith in humanity that these people did in fact join together and protect me. And I want to thank you all for what you did. God bless you."

"From what I understand the guy had a mental past and to have somebody out there that has that kind of ability and slip through the cracks is a sad thing."

The suspect was never charged, due to his apparent diminished mental capacity. Instead, he was sent to Western State Hospital where he still remains.


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