Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What'd you say? WHAT did you say??

Hearing loss is not necessarily permanent. Here are 3 surprising causes — and what you can do to reverse it. - Hearing loss doesn't have to be permanent, it can be corrected, even reversed You'll know a sound is harmful — and has done lasting damage — if your ears ring after you move away from its source. More than half of people in their 50s have some degree of hearing loss. But the Stones and The Who may not be entirely to blame. In fact, some deficits are temporary and can easily be reversed. Here are three common causes of hearing loss in midlife adults — and how to turn the volume back up.

Clogged Ears

About 12 million people (that's 1 in 20 adults) visit the doctor each year to have earwax removed, according to a new report from the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS). "We can hear with as little as 3 to 5% of the canal clear, so it may take years for enough wax to accumulate to stifle hearing," says Peter Roland, MD, professor and chairman of the department of otolaryngology/head and neck surgery at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. "But if water gets in — while you shower, for example — it can cause wax to swell and create a blockage." When that happens, patients often worry they've suddenly gone deaf. Fortunately (and to their relief), hearing is immediately restored after their ears are cleared.

Clogs, which can cause dizziness, pain, and a full feeling in the ears, require a visit to your doctor or an otolaryngologist. The AAO has okayed three treatments: wax-dissolving solutions, irrigation (squirting a jet of water or saline into the canal to break up wax and allow the canal to empty), and manual removal (using an instrument such as a suctioning device to pull wax out). Your physician will determine which one is best for you.

One thing docs don't recommend: using a cotton swab. "It may feel like you're getting the gunk out, but you can push the wax deeper and cause an impaction," says Rick Friedman, MD, PhD, of the House Ear Clinic in Los Angeles and an associate professor at the University of Southern California's Keck School of Medicine. Earwax naturally protects the ear, so you shouldn't completely eliminate it.

If you do need to clean out wax, Friedman suggests a safe technique: Soak a cotton ball in a solution of equal parts white vinegar and alcohol, tip your head up, gently dab the ear, and then tilt it back down to drain.

Undiagnosed Allergy

Blocked sinuses caused by colds, sinus infections, and allergies can temporarily block hearing when the eustachian tube — the channel responsible for regulating ear pressure — swells shut, sucking fluid into the ear space, says Roland. What appears to be a recurring cold may actually be an undiagnosed allergy that prevents your ears from clearing, leaving them chronically blocked. Identifying and treating the condition will help you cut down on attacks and better manage the chronic congestion and buildup of fluid that cause muffled hearing.

Adults average three colds a year, each lasting a week to 10 days. If you have more than that or your symptoms, such as a runny nose, stick around longer than 2 weeks, "that's your cue there's something more going on than just a bad cold," says Roland. Ask your doctor for an allergy evaluation.


High doses of aspirin (more than 10 a day) or other NSAIDs such as ibuprofen (800 mg, three times a day) can cause tinnitus — a disruptive and irritating noise in the head without an external sound source, says Timothy C. Hain, MD, professor of neurology, otolaryngology, and physical therapy at Northwestern University.

Worse, NSAIDs also temporarily disable the ear's protective outer hair cells, leaving you more vulnerable to sound damage, according to Hain. (Taking a daily baby aspirin of 81 mg for heart health does not damage hearing or cause tinnitus, he adds.) Tolerance varies, and some people are more sensitive to lower doses. If you notice ringing after starting these medications, ask your doctor about switching to acetaminophen, which doesn't affect ears.

"Tinnitus nearly always stops shortly after stopping the medications," Hain says. "Permanent tinnitus is rare."

Protect Your Ears from These Everyday Noisemakers

Hearing loss typically develops slowly, the result of prolonged exposure to thousands of high-decibel insults to the ear. Much of that damage may occur right in your own home: Many popular small appliances exceed the safe-volume threshold of 85 decibels — akin to the din of busy city traffic. Here's how to avoid some common offenders:

HAIR DRYER: Set on high, a typical model can reach 95 dB; even with normal use, its close proximity to ears is enough to cause damage. Use the low setting, cut drying time, and wear earplugs to reduce risk. Another option: low-noise hair dryers, such as the Conair Ion Shine 1875 Watt Hair Dryer ($25;, which reduce sound by 75%.

BLENDERS AND COFFEE GRINDERS: Some models may exceed 88 dB. Muffle the sound by wrapping a large kitchen towel around the base, where the motor is, when in use.

GARBAGE DISPOSAL: Older models can exceed the safety threshold. Use earplugs when standing near the sink while the disposal's running.

LAWN MOWER: The damage caused by cutting your grass with a 90 dB mower an hour or two a week throughout summer adds up, says Gordon Hughes, MD, program director for clinical trials at the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. Wear foam inserts or muffs — both offer ample protection.

MP3 PLAYER: The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association tested various MP3 players and found that an iPod set at 50% volume pumps out up to 101 dB, well over the recommended safety threshold. ASHA suggests maintaining a low volume, limiting use to 1 hour a day, and using noise-canceling earbuds to block out ambient sounds, reducing your need to hike up the volume. Try: AO Safety Blockade Noise Isolating Earbuds ($50;

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